A friend of mine purchased an affordable 2 bed house 6 years ago. She got married 4 years ago and her husband refused to pay any of the mortgage or house utilities on the ground that the house is in her name only. Two months ago, her husband bashed her and threw her out of the house, changed the locks and disabled the alarm. She got an interim barring order against him for a week and went back to court the next week with him present in the court. This time the judge would not renew the barring order and my friend could not prove that there had been violence. The husband is still in the house that my friend is paying all bills for (as the bills are in her name) and she is living a spare room in her parents’ house.) The Gardai are not able to help apparently and she is at wits end. The solicitor who represented her at the barring hearing told her she will have to sell the affordable house, which will mean she will become liable for the claw back fee and give her husband 50% of everything she has including the house. Her husband was self employed and is refusing to work. What the law on this if anyone knows. Grateful for any advice. Thanks