[FONT="]Hi all,
Having been on the South Dublin Co Co Affordable list for nearly two years was offered a two bed apartment in St Edmunds, Palmerstown for 240k. Market value is reputed to be well over 300k. Have yet to agree MV with council.
Put down refundable deposit.
69 sq.m, two beds, ground floor, 24 hour security, own parking space
These are slightly more expensive than previous affordable developments - from what i hear they separated the list into higher and lower earners. I don't mind been offered the better quality development as could not see myself living in some of the other developments.
Although the location has it's good and bad points it is close to everywhere I know and the apartment itself is a lovely starter home.
First Active mortgage repayments just over €900 a month. Have the option of renting a room for up to €800 a month tax free
I know prices are continually falling and it's a really bad time to buy on the open market but am debating whether they will actually fall to the just under 100k point
South Dublin absorb negative equity and the clawback seems to be based on the market value at the time of sale
Is this a good deal?? I'm in two minds, don't want to jump into something I may live to regret
Sorry for length of post - any advice greatly appreciated!!![/FONT]
Having been on the South Dublin Co Co Affordable list for nearly two years was offered a two bed apartment in St Edmunds, Palmerstown for 240k. Market value is reputed to be well over 300k. Have yet to agree MV with council.
Put down refundable deposit.
69 sq.m, two beds, ground floor, 24 hour security, own parking space
These are slightly more expensive than previous affordable developments - from what i hear they separated the list into higher and lower earners. I don't mind been offered the better quality development as could not see myself living in some of the other developments.
Although the location has it's good and bad points it is close to everywhere I know and the apartment itself is a lovely starter home.
First Active mortgage repayments just over €900 a month. Have the option of renting a room for up to €800 a month tax free
I know prices are continually falling and it's a really bad time to buy on the open market but am debating whether they will actually fall to the just under 100k point
South Dublin absorb negative equity and the clawback seems to be based on the market value at the time of sale
Is this a good deal?? I'm in two minds, don't want to jump into something I may live to regret
Sorry for length of post - any advice greatly appreciated!!![/FONT]