Aer Lingus-Refunds refused for Refundable ticket


Registered User
I bought a refundable ticket approaching 500 from Aer Lingus. I am concerned that the sale of the tecket to me was carried out on a fraudulent basis and that the Aer Lingus booking system may also contain functions which are designed to mislead the passenger and issue falsified notifications.

Initially I had bought a non refundable ticket and paid a fee to upgrade it to refundable status and change the date of flight. At the time of selling me the ticket I spoke to an Aer Lingus sales representative who assured me that the ticket was fully refundable 85% on the 500 Euros. No doubt about it. I preceeded to buy the upgrade.

My flight had to be cancelled in the end because I was hospitalised (I am disabled and had returned to Ireland for medical treatment). This was done in accordance with the conditions. All seemed in order, I rang for a refund and was told it would be processed in 10 days. Three weeks went by, more calls, no response. Finally a lady called me yesterday and offered 24 Euro.

During the booking process, I noticed a serious anomoly which misleads the buyer in addition to the statement made by the seller to me at teh time of sale.

As a handicapped person, I have a small income and most of my years is spent putting the money the money together to buy the ticket to ireland.

I know Ireland is in trouble but I feel that the airline is now engaged in criminal activity to defraud passengers.

What can I do about this.

Has anybody any ideas. Is the National Consumer Advice unit actually able to deliver any results? The ticket was bought with a credit card and I wrote to the credit card comapny a month ago but no refund has been made.

Many Thanks if you can help.
