Aer Lingus Dublin/Boston via Shannon?


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Do all flights by Aer Lingus going from Dublin to Boston stop off in Shannon for immigration or just occassionally?
Hi SlurrySlump,
Yeap, all Aer Lingus flights Dublin/ Boston stop in Shannon
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Hi SlurrySlump,
Yeap, all Aer Lingus flights Dublin/ Boston stop in Shannon

So when a travel agent tells me that I will be flying direct from Dublin to Boston without a stopover in Shannon should know better.
So when a travel agent tells me that I will be flying direct from Dublin to Boston without a stopover in Shannon should know better.

I think your travel agent knows best because there are direct flights from Dublin to Boston with Aer Lingus without the Shannon stopover. The missus was only looking at them yesterday on the Aer lingus website.
Hi Slurryslump,

The dublin/boston flight doesnt always stop at Shannon, it has something to do with summer and winter timetables. One timetable they stop for refueling the other timetable they dont have to. I am afraid I dont know which is which as its a while since I done it. Best double check with your travel agent.
In winter - I think all flights go via Shannon. In summer, I think there is an extra direct flight out of Dublin.

To find out, go to the Aer lingus website and check how long your flight is scheduled to take. Non stop flights take 7 hours over and 6 on the way home. The stopover adds about 60-90 mins to these times.
Confusion may arise because Direct and Non-Stop aren't the same thing in airline speak.

Non-Stop means just that
Direct just means it's the same flight (i.e. no connection involved)

So all non-stop flights are direct, but all direct flights aren't necessarily non stop.
A bit of a tangent but.... I took a flight from Dub to Shannon a few weeks ago... I was surprised to see that it was the Chicago flight... i.e. Chicago to Dub and then onwards to Shannon. I had always presumed that they stopped in Shannon first ! I guess the flight path doesn't come in over the West Coast ??

This used to be the case, but now ALL flights to Boston stop in Shannon, untill further notice. If you fly to Shannon EI 124,( which is the return flight from Chicago) this involves a change of aircraft at SNN, you do not have to reclaim bags as they will be tagged direct to Boston. If you fly down on EI 133, you continue on the same aircraft.
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