Aer Lingus Charges




Anyone checking Aer lingus flights at present? 48 Hours ago looked up a mid january flight on the latest deal to London Heathrow ex Cork. Flight price was €0.00 outward plus charges, €4.99 inward plus charges with €1.25 discount, total return €62. Today the return fare is €73, fares and the discount is the same but the increase in fare is due solely to an increase in charges on both legs! On checking a series of dates from various airports it appears charges can vary from €27 to €45 depending on dates. Who is having who on or has there been an increase in Irish and British airport charges in the last 2 days, do airports vary their charges depending on the date you fly?????
Only today i had a client asking why was EI charging Dub-Bhx taxes of 19.99 on the 8th April and 35.99 on the 9th April- a 16 euro difference on the same one-way sector . This happens all the time with many airlines but EI more so.

EI told me long ago that they have the right to charge whatever the airports, governments etc charge in fees and taxes and will not add onto them -but they can decide to absorb these costs if they so feel like it. I remember vaguely they also mentioned currency conversions and the fact that if a passenger was "free" a certain tax was not added.

I remember it took me ages to get thru to anyone who could only attempt to explain.
I was promisied a written detailed response to my query about illogical changes in the cost of taxes but it never came. Perhaps you can ask -I doubt if anyone can tell you.

On outward journeys they often charge the €29.99 taxes and charges. This then changes to the €35.75 rate. Just look at Dublin to Brussels for next March and then April to see what I mean.
Insofar as I know airports can have structured charges in place to incentivise particular times of day and airlines can choose to give reductions on charges. I know that recently AL have on a few occasions when I was checking flights had different charges for the same route at different times in the day. In each case though they had indicated on the website that it was a percentage off the charges for specific flights.