Advise sought re getting resident only parking on our service road


Registered User
Any advise on who to approach re: having our service road a residents only parking area. We are considering this as a last resort to a on going parking problem on our road.
Is it a public road? Probably contact the local authority roads department and see what's possible? And/or get the local elected reps on the case.
If your in the Dublin City Council area, I believe the residents can make request the roads & traffic dept, as described [broken link removed]
Is it a public road? Probably contact the local authority roads department and see what's possible? And/or get the local elected reps on the case.

It is a service road for 19 houses.
How much would the permits cost each house per year.

We are a group of 19 houses and are having a lot of vans parking on our road. They have family living in a house across the main road from us and seem to be forever coming and going to that house. The residents in the estate their house is in got them moved but now they are parking on our service road.
One of our local reps told us - he thought the only option would be to bring in resident parking only. We are meeting tomorrow night so I thought I would ask for advise re this.
As it is realy only affecting about 6 houses at the lower end of the road - the other houses might not agree to residents parking if it is going to cost them alot each year.
We are in Meath.

Thanks for your replies.
Residents Parking Permits- A Good Idea?

Hi there
Just wondering about the pros and cons of applying for residents parking on our road? We are in the process of moving to a small terraced street with no off-street parking. There are only 4 houses along the road but the parking situation is quite bad. A few reasons for this -
- We are not the only new arrivals. Other houses have been sold and the older people living there previously did not have cars. All new arrivals seem to have 2 cars per family :)
- It is beside an office block- they have their own parking but must get out of the car and enter a pin code for the electronic gates to open. From what I can tell- most dont seem to bother- they just leave the car on the road when they get their in the morning..
-It is beside a large amenity- last week when the schools were off- there was NO parking at all. The amenity does have parking but it is paid only.
- A new development is going up around the corner- planning permission is not in yet but I suspect it will include alongside apartments - a coffee shop etc.. So I think things are going to get worse rather then better..
So - what I wanted to know was has anyone changed their road over to being residents parking only. I am assuming that if you have a residents permit you dont have to do pay & display - is that right?? If friends visited would they have to do pay & display? Within which hours.. How long does the whole process take??
I have not approached the neighbours on this but am planning too.. am sure they have noticed how much worse things have gotten as well..
Btw- the house is 3 km from Dublin City Centre and yes we (unfort.) do need both cars!
It sounds like you would benefit from residents parking, but probably worth discussing with your neighbours. Note that having a disc does not guarantee you parking, which might be a problem with multiple car house holds (the cost of each additional disc increases per household BTW, from about €40 for the first to €200 for the 4th car if I remember). Your disc only entitles you to park on your street & not a neighbouring one, if yours is full. In terms of pay and display, you won't need this, but for visitors you can get visitor discs which are about €1.50 for a 24hr period. Max of 52 discs per household per year. Finally you can change the times that parking is restricted, my street changed several times and eventually seems to have settled on 7am to 7pm Mon to Fri.
Hi tiger- thanks for that, good info. So from what I understand we would be able to purchase 2 residents parking permits.. If the street was full then it is just tough, the spaces are not reserved. Can you confirm that it is just the people living on the street who would be entitled to park on the street? Is that the case at the weekend as well?
A number of cars are from houses around the corner, most of which dont have off-street parking either... Though they do have gardens so they would option to put in off-street parking if they wanted.
Think residents parking could well be the way to go - as I mentioned there are only 4 houses in the row and the streetg would never be full with our cars alone- it is everyone else that is the problem!!
(From memory) The maximum no. of permits per household is 4. Where a house is divided into subunits, one per unit. Residents of an appartment complex on a road can't apply. To get a disc you have to supply copy of driving license & insurance cert with the address of the street, plus a utility bill. Letter from landlord if rented & not in your name, or letter from employer if car is a business car & therefore insured address is different. When the council poll the residents they also ask which options they prefer. I think they range from 8am to 5pm, 7am to 7pm or 7am to mid-night; 5,6 or 7 days a week.