Advice sought re: late delivery of sofa


Registered User
Hi there,

Ordered a sofa at the end of January. Delivery time 10-14 weeks. Phoned up shop last week to see its status. Supposedly, the "wrong colour" was delivered. (I'm not sure I believe this). The correct sofa won't be delivered til July which will be 6 months after original order placed. Have been offered our deposit back but don't really want to start all over again looking . . .

Having searched a few previous threads, it seems that this is a common enough problem. Therefore, I'm looking for some practical advice from people who've been in this position about what to do next.

Have people found that the furniture companies eventually get the sofas to them or should I cut my losses at this stage?

Thanks in advance.
you dont say where you are! when i want something like a sofa i buy in uk, the savings you make will pay for the transport, I use careline. If they cant deliver by now why do you think they will deliver in july??

Drop them and go elsewhere, place in wales called ARTHUR LLEWLLYN JENKINS, ace.

I'm in Dublin and bought through one of the well-known furniture stores.

You're right - I have no idea if they will deliver in July but the choice of walking away now, searching for a new sofa and waiting another 12 weeks etc. with a new shop is something I was hoping to avoid.
Same thing happened to us. We ordered a sofa from an online store of a large leather sofa store.. We were told delivery in 6-8 weeks. Well, 8 weeks passed and no sign so I called them but they never seemed to answer their phones. So i emailed but got no response.
I called and called and eventually got through to an agent who swore blind it would be there by the end of the week. It never arrived.
10 weeks after placing the order I called again and was told it was in the store room as was being shipped that day. It never arrived. So i called again and was told it wasn't in their storeroom and would be another 6-8 weeks. I told them no way but they advised if I cancelled they would keep my deposit (about €300).

After contacting the consumer association (not the irish one, there's another that deals with products bought abroad) I wrote a strongly worded e mail advising them that they had breached the terms of our contract and I suggested they refund the deposit and cancel the order or I would take the matter furthur. I recieved no response but I did get the deposit refunded to my credit card.

I walked into another store and bought a suite(different colour) which was delivered in 2 days. It was worth it rather than dealing with them again.