Hi there.
We are looking to move from where we are to the southside as we want to send our young child to a language school there. Our house is worth 500/550k - we bought it at 350k. Our mortgage is now at 280k as we paying 2,500 pm (we overpay monthly) We are looking to buy a house about 750k max. My husband is talking about selling our house and renting in the area we want and buying in a year or two, putting the equity from our house in a high earning account. Does anyone have any advice on doing this? Is it advisable?
In very simlistic terms - You sell for €500k, leaves €220k. Put that on deposit, maybe get 5% net return €11k p/a. If your rent was €2.5k per month then you would be €11k better off p/a.
The thing is you can't really compare it with buying because that is a long term strategy and of course there's the whole house prices issue...
If you are definately going to sell, then there is nothing really wrong with waiting before going back into the market.