Advice re disposal of house


Registered User

Looking for a bit of advice from you.

Myself and my brother were left our Mam's house after her death.

He says he wants to buy out my share, which suits me fine as I have no wish to live in the house etc. However despite numerous requests to get things sorted he has done nothing about it.

How should I proceed if he is not forthcoming with the cash? Can I force the sale of the house? Also an added difficulty is that my mam's partner is currently living in the house. My brother and him changed the locks after her death so I have no access to the house.

I'd appreciate any advice you may have
Sorry to hear about your loss and the ongoing difficulties.

Who is the executor?
What stage is the process at?
Has probate been granted?
Were any provisions / provisos made in the will in relation to your late mother's (unmarried ?) partner?

I think you need specific, detailed legal advice.
Sorry, I should have given more info in the OP. The remainder of the estate was settled earlier this year. As there was no will made the house passed to myself and my brother equally. Again as there was no will there was no provisio made for the partner.
My brother and him changed the locks after her death so I have no access to the house.

As there was no will made the house passed to myself and my brother equally.

So you can't get into a house you own half of? I think you definitely need specific legal advice.

I'm very sorry for your loss, and for this to happen after your mother's death is awful.
Go and see a solicitor. You can force a sale through the courts. Perhaps a letter to him threatening to issue proceedings will get the wheels in motion.