Advice on spending €180billion


Registered User

I have some savings and want to do up the place. I have around €180billion to spend over the next seven years or so. Any advice on how not to get ripped off?



I have some savings and want to do up the place. I have around €180billion to spend over the next seven years or so. Any advice on how not to get ripped off?


Just give it to Clubman to spend, his definition of ripped off is different to the rest of us. But appart from that, his ability to do many things at the same time and expert knowledge of all things financial will insure it gets well spent!

How about letting the Govt pretent they haven't actually been around for the last 10 years or so & ask them what they think?
Be sure to announce to all and sundry exactly how much you will be spending and on what long before you actually do. Then tender for everything all at once. Ensuring that the tenders are given only to companies whose names are familiar to you and awarding them more work than they can practically take on are two essential means of keeping costs down.
Are you sure you actually have €180bn? I've been looking at your savings pattern and I reckon you're only saving a few billion a year, did you buy Cape Verde or Bodhrum or heck, maybe Bulgaria with your savings and now you've been assured (by your friendly estate agent) that it's worth 180bn??
At any rate, the best thing to do would be not to specify anything, just be general like, you know, say about half could be used to invest in alternative energy or something......
I have some savings and want to do up the place. I have around €180billion to spend over the next seven years or so. Any advice on how not to get ripped off?
Build a few things and then when they're finished build the same things again except this time underground. That should easily take care of your seven years and €180Bn. Oh - and don't forget to spend some of it on your neighbour's place while you're at it just to keep them happy.
Get someone to build a bridge for you, pay for it over 20 years, and then buy it from them for around €700m...

I have around €180billion to spend over the next seven years or so.

Not quite as impressive but my friend is buying a [...] for 450k and using forcasting techniques (;) ) he expects it to be worth nearly 2 million in 7 years.

Despite what some might call Bubblehead Economics and despite his alarming private debt level, he's never felt so wealthy and is actively putting together plans to spend his millions. :D

I have some savings and want to do up the place. I have around €180billion to spend over the next seven years or so. Any advice on how not to get ripped off?



I hear that just the right amount to buy an election...
When you say you want to do the place up I presume you mean the country? in which case, with that amount of money, we need a few things over here in the west. You could start with the roads and then move on to public transport. I'm sure having being clever enough to accumulate such a huge amount there is not much chance anyone would be able to rip you off. After all that is taken care of there's always the charities to donate to. Oh and we could do with a few more jobs while you're at it.
There is bound to be a country somewhere that we could buy, kick all the residents out, knock everything, build all new stuff (co. Paddy the Plasterer Enterprises), and just move the whole population on one go.

180Bn should cover that. And somewhere a bit further south would be nice please bertie!
Do what the German guy is going to do. Withdraw the lot in cash, position yourself at the top of Grafton St and throw great wads of cash in every direction. In the resulting melee the old, the very young, the sick and hopefully the unemployed, will be trampled underfoot, taking massive pressure off the Health services, Social Welfare and the need to provide ever-increasing numbers of houses. Bertie and the boys will be thrown out of office and the Garda Siochana radically overhauled because of their combined failure to maintain public order.
There is bound to be a country somewhere that we could buy, kick all the residents out, knock everything, build all new stuff (co. Paddy the Plasterer Enterprises), and just move the whole population on one go.

180Bn should cover that. And somewhere a bit further south would be nice please bertie!

Cape Verde could be a runner-but maybe the Paddy Price applies there at this stage.
You would be surprised how little €180 billion will get you these days. I presume you will have people working for you to oversee the renovations. Don't forget that their wages will have to be benchmarked to some imaginary position (Usually to a CEO of a Fortune 500 company) by a panel who meet in secret. Then you will need an IT system to make sure people get paid. You will need consultants for that. (Not Cheap but really worth it if you want the project completed on time and on budget). Obviously, with that amount of money, there is bound to be a bit of fraud so you will probably need to build a prision for those white collar criminals as a punishment for stealing from you. Farm land in North County Dublin will do but those pesky farmers are good negotiators so you may have to pay slightly over the odds. And whatever you do, remember to budget for ever so slight budget overruns to cater for unforseen circumstances. (You will be amazed how many things are unforseen)
rather than worry your little head about it and the chance of corruption that might take place if you try to spend any of it.... why not run a tribunal for about 10 years to decide where best to deploy the €19.54 that will be left after the legal fees!
rather than worry your little head about it and the chance of corruption that might take place if you try to spend any of it.... why not run a tribunal for about 10 years to decide where best to deploy the €19.54 that will be left after the legal fees!
Given tribunals have so far brought in about 1bn and cost a few hundred million, starting a new one would probably be a good idea.