In my opinion there is also very little chance of capital appreciation in any small towns outside of the cities in the forseeable future.
A healthy property market is one that increasing inline or just above the inflation rate. You can see this pattern over long periods of time in every property market that long term indexes. This was forgotten in the boom years, and coincidently seems to be still forgotten by most people today.
Your only way of making real capital appriciation would be to time the market, ups and downs are normal in a standard economic model, but if you can correctly time the market, you may have better luck in Vegas
FYI, there are
many other considerations for buying a rental property that can make it a good long term investment. Easy way
used to be months rent x 11 x 15 to calculate a price for the property. Below this figure meant it'd give a high yield, above, not so much. However things have changed regarding interest rates getting lower, interest relief getting rolled back, nppr charges, and other charges on the way.
Lastly regarding the rent, I hear yesterday of a property with a Rent Assistance tenant having 200 Euro a month dropped from their rent. Equal to a near 25% drop. I'd definitely recommend reading up on the plans for rent relief/assistance in the coming years.