Put an offer in on house yesterday, asking excess 350k - Midlands area. We put in offer of 330k, we are not in a chain, 2nd time buyers (so add 20k to price in stamp) can move straight away. Agent came back this morning saying another party offered 340k but need to sell their house first so we are the better option. Says the owner is not for messing around and would let the house go for 345k and would we be interested at that price. To which I fell into his trap and said 'yes we might'. Said I needed to discuss with other half, he said could I get back to him today. The house is in exceptional condition and a great location and has been on the market just over a week. We were prepared to pay the asking price, but now I'm thinking play hard ball as the owners obviously want to clinch the deal soon (they are building elsewhere)...