I did a quick search of the Forum and couldnt find an answer which covers my question , considering the recent changes to stamp Duty.
I am very unsure how to proceed .
I have a house which we bought in 2004 for 250k it is now worth 350k
We are moving closer to dublin as I have a 4 hour comute to work each day , we have a 5 month old baby .
I spoke with our mortgage lender and we are approved for 430k for our second house and are looking to let our current house in Navan and pay interest only .
The Problem is this , I havent a clue how to handle Estate Agents , we have seen a house we are really interested in , its in Lusk , the asking price is 400k , i dont think it is worth that , we put in a bid for 385k and it was refused .
My Wife is eager to close the deal and just pay the extra money , but I am reluctant , seeing as the way the market has been going , we should try and get as much of a reduction as possible .
But as I said above I really dont have a clue , maybe we should just pay the money , considering the savings on stamp duty , or maybe i am mad and should put in a lower offer and save money which could be used to furnish the house .
Oh and the house has just come on the market ..
I am very unsure how to proceed .
I have a house which we bought in 2004 for 250k it is now worth 350k
We are moving closer to dublin as I have a 4 hour comute to work each day , we have a 5 month old baby .
I spoke with our mortgage lender and we are approved for 430k for our second house and are looking to let our current house in Navan and pay interest only .
The Problem is this , I havent a clue how to handle Estate Agents , we have seen a house we are really interested in , its in Lusk , the asking price is 400k , i dont think it is worth that , we put in a bid for 385k and it was refused .
My Wife is eager to close the deal and just pay the extra money , but I am reluctant , seeing as the way the market has been going , we should try and get as much of a reduction as possible .
But as I said above I really dont have a clue , maybe we should just pay the money , considering the savings on stamp duty , or maybe i am mad and should put in a lower offer and save money which could be used to furnish the house .
Oh and the house has just come on the market ..