Advice on banking & debt please!



Hi. Ok ok. I was a financial idiot. Run up a huge bunch of loan & CC debt etc. The problem is I moved from Ireland and was going to pay this stuff off over time. We had some overseas investments which should have covered this stuff but didnt and we were left in trouble. After some sticking-head-in-sand time and hoping it would all go away I want to come back and get the debt sorted. I can get a well paying contract job for a few months which should allow me to make a huge dent in the debt and keep paying my family costs overseas. Not nice to have to leave the family for so long, but needs must. However the major problem in the way to this is opening an new bank account in Ireland. I am absolutely sure that this will be a major problem. Is there anything I can do. I am desperate to return and get this sorted out but without a bank account no pay...well. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I know I'm an idiot but trying to do the right thing now. Thanks.
First off, I don't necessarily think you will be denied a bank account based on what you have said above. As long as you can provide evidence of identification and address, you should be fine in most cases. Some banks will ask for things like bank statements and proof of earnings, e.g. see this thread, but this is not a statutory requirement, so find a bank that will not require this information.

Getting out of debt has been discussed here many times before-a search of the site for 'debt' should throw up lots of results.

It's hard to tell exactly how bad your situation is, but I would say that a meeting with MABS would do no harm for starters.

You may also want to contact the ICB to see what your credit record looks like at this stage.
Thanks for the help guys.

Really appreciate the advice.

Was getting really worried and depressed, head in sand etc, but think there is a way out now. thanks again!