Advice on bad management


Registered User
Hi all,

I am working for a startup company that have an excellent idea but have let themselves down badly on the management side of things. Another guy was looking to come on board as a partner, which with his experience would have changed things around. However due to stubborness or whatever the primary investor has decided to go it alone eventhough he does not have the experience and the manager he has put in place is incompetent.

I had high hopes coming into this job but they have been dashed recently and I am currently looking around again because if things stay the way they are the business will not survive.

I want to approach the primary investor and lay things on the line and I suppose the question I am asking is what would be the best way to approach this??
Hi all,

I am working for a startup company that have an excellent idea but have let themselves down badly on the management side of things.

In what way have they left themselves down on the management side? Is this a man management issue or perhaps its operational management or marketing/sales or perhaps its the companies ability to financially manage the start up?

Be very clear about what you see as the failings of the current management team before you approach the primary investor. What are the objectives of the company? are they clearly articulated among all the stakeholders?

In the current environment, I would ensure that I had a solid exit plan available before I go 'laying it on the line'.
In the current environment, I would ensure that I had a solid exit plan available before I go 'laying it on the line'.

I suppose laying it on the line is a bit strong as to what I would propose to say....more how I feel.

Firstly I am an employee there. There is another job that has come up that I think I might have a good chance of getting.

The company started up with 2 main strands of business, one which has been launched and is doing quite well but will not sustain the company. The other is supposed to be launched at the end of January but my manager does not know what is happening with it and I am fobbed off when I ask. There has been very poor managment on this side of things with follow up calls not being made etc......I was supposed to be dealing with this side when it is set up.

On the management side the manager is basically incompetent, from basic office setup to personnel issues to generally being competent in their job!! Everything you can think of really!

I know money is tight as I have talked to the accountant. My fear is that it will go under or limp on for a few months more and to be honest I do not want to be associated with a failed business.....reputation counts for a lot in my line of work!

From a career and financial prospective I need to know where I stand but obviously I have to be careful in what I say.
I think you should air your concerns with the owners (or 'primary investor') and revise the situation in a few weeks' time. If the manager is really that bad, I'm sure the investors won't want to be throwing cash at him/her and wimay indeed welcome your feedback.

Are there are any other employees who would share your opinion? Or do you have accounts from staff of his/her previous company?
You appear to somebody with a decent head on your shoulders. It is rare to hear in these times of a start up business doing well. There are a few options: 1. you have already spoken to the Accountant, it's now time to talk with him again. 2. you could choose to leg it or 3. i will PM you with this one if you wish, let me know.
Approach the owner with some positive ideas and suggestions.

Or email them to the Manager and copy them to the Owner.

The owner probably thinks highly of the Manager and may react negatively to a subordinate describing him as totally incompetent. The manager is more likely to win this battle.

You could say that you have a job offer elsewhere and would like to talk to him about the company's future before taking it.
