VHI Advice on Alternative to VHI Health Plus Extra.


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We are both retired and around 70 years young. Currently we have VHI Health Plus Extra and last year it cost €3385 after tax relief.
The current renewal notice shows an increase of almost €1000 which makes it very expensive.
I have had brachytherapy treatment for prostrate cancer two years ago but I am in good health at present. Apart from that out overall health is good.
I am looking for advice on another option that would give as similar cover to what we currently hold. Lots of these plans mention the Blackrock Clinic and The Mather Private but as we are in the West we are more interested in the Galway Clinic or Bon Secours.
Another question I have is can one cancel the maternity benefits on these plans because barring a miracle we don't need it. ?
Are any of the corporate plans similar to Health Plus Extra. ? We have been with VHI since they started and would probably prefer to stay with them if any of their plans were reasonable. Saying that we are not against moving for the right plan with the same cover.
Thank to anyone who has experience in this area and may be willing to point us in the right direction.