Advice on a no-show electrician!


Registered User
I need some advice on an electrician that's absolutely doing my head in and costing me money by the day.

We are ready to move into our new house which we built through direct labour but about 25% of the electrical work is still to be done and it's the only thing preventing us from moving.

The elecrician has been a nightmare from the start and has held up the job at every stage along the way......for example the plasterers left for a month because he was so slow finishing the first fix.

I am sick of ringing him and now he only answers from a number unknown to him and then he just says he'll be there tomorrow but never shows. I just can't get him back on site to complete the work. I know now that he has recently started a big-budget project so i'd imagine i'm the bottom of his list of priorities. I have paid him half the agreed price to date.

We are renting so not being able to move is crippling us financially having to pay both rent and a mortgage.

So, what can i do?
I know tradesmen are slow finishing off another person's work but if i do get someone can i knock his fee off the original guy's bill?
Can he come after me for the full amount owed if i get someone else to finish it?
Can I take what i'm having to pay in extra rent off his bill?

What can i do, i'm pulling my hair out?
Bin him and get a new electrician....He hasn't done the work so should not look for payment. Maybe call him and tell him this is what your doing to see what his reaction is he may come back onsite to finish but whatever you do pay him no more money until job is finished.
Has he done enough work to warrant the payments made to him already? If yes then I would just go to someone else. If he feels he is owed money he may try to come back on you. Stand your ground and use the best tactic of all - threaten to balcken his name due to your bad experience. Word of mouth is key to electricians etc.

As to new electrician, he may want to charge over and above what the first guy did but I think you may just have to take it on the chin. Haggle as much as poss. One point - while I would say to a potential new electircian that you need the work done asap don't say that you;re desperate for them or they'll up the price.
I would definitely ring the first guy first & tell him that if the work is not done within the week you are contracting someone else to finish the work & no more money will be paid to usually takes ultimatums to get that type of guy to may be pleasantly surprised what threats can do.

But if he doesnt show during the week then I would defo call someone else in.

Its a pain in the ass - I would prefer someone to tell me that they cant do the job for a couple of weeks & give me an actual date than to keep telling me they will do it tomorrow!

I would be more inclined to put this in writing so he won't have any comeback.
Good point sueellen. More formalised approach might also make him return to finish the work
Thanks for all the advice folks..........a letter when off in the post to him yesterday stating that i'm giving him one week to finish or else i'm getting someone else and he ain't getting anymore money!!