Advice neededregards Cancelling Credit card


Registered User
I recently posted a thread on askaboutmoney warning others of a free trial acaiberry product offered on numerous websites , and i have been the victim of an internet scam and $99.99 (€75.00 approx ) has been taken from my credit card monthly for the last 4 months. I contacted MBNA when i noticed the first payment and they called the company and transferred me through to the American company and i told them to cancel any membership that they presumed i had with them, that was in may. This company changes its name every month it takes the money from my account. Only now are MBNA disputing these payments for me as after the second call in June to them we went through the same process again they have a record of my dispute. This month same again has happened, I am now € 300 poorer and am at my wits end, If i cancel my credit card altogether will this stop? As i have been investigating this scam online it seems to be worldwide. Reading posts from other victims some have cancelled their cards, but when i suggested this to MBNA they said that the payments would still carry on as by law they cannot stop Direct debits?? and even though the account was closed i would still be charged?? They know i am a victim of a scam and their customer but i feel they will still keep allowing these payments to go from my account. Any Advice would be much appreciated.