advice needed with extension


Registered User
I'm getting an extension (15x12) done soon. I've a builder lined up with a good quote. He's given me the quote on unheaded paper. He comes highly recommended from friends.

What paperwork should I be looking for? Insurance, etc.

He plans on accessing the back garden via my neighbour's garden. Should I get written permission from my neighbour to allow the builder access?

Any advice would be welcome.

If it were you living next door to a building site you would certainly need to give permission, and get an indemnity for any damage caused by the builder.
Sensibly you should ensure that the builder has all the necessary insurances as in the event of an accident on site you could find yourself liable for any compensation. Your house insurance may cover you for this but you need to be sure.
you need to get a fully detailed quotation for all the works the builder is going to do for the price quoted. they should be listed item by item.does the quote include vat.this should be clearly visible. Talk to your neighbour first before any work commences, reason = common courtesy and trespassing on your neighbours property. Make sure the builder understands the neighbours property must not be disrupted unless absoloutly necessary and get a written undertaking to rectify any damage if caused by the builder.A detailed written quotation is a must. Dont start any work without it and check insurance, not all builders have it, mine costs over €5000 per year!
Thanks for the advice. My neighbour is an elderly lady and her relatives have advised her not to allow the builders access through her side gate and into her back garden. I'm not sure what's involved. I think the builders wanted to get a mini JCB in to dig the foundations.

There's no access through my side entrance as it's covered in and there's no room for a wheelbarow let alone a JCB.

What are my options now? Will the builder charge more for having to manually dig the foundations.

Again, any advice on what I should do would be greatly appreciated.

The builder is coming on Monday evening to draw up contracts etc.
my work involves digging the foundations by hand, most of the time. i would not dream of getting a machine into the back of someones garden, destroying their lawn, shrubs etc.the builder should have seen what was in front of him the first day he came to look at the job to give you a price. if the neighbour does not want them to go through their property then by hand is the only way.He should have asked before he worked out his price. if you have already agreed a price, do not change it to accomodate his error, if you start doing that he will keep saying you have to pay extra etc.
Thanks for the advice Tradesman. I'll let you know what happens when I meet him on Monday. I'll stick to my guns about all the official paperwork. If he doesn't produce the necessary documents - he doesn't get the job!!!
Surprise surprise, that builder never showed up with the paperwork. However, I found another builder (with insurance) and the job is finished. He did a brilliant job and had to battle with the weather. It only took 4 weeks.