Advice Needed regarding inheritance of house by my mother from her uncle.


New Member
Thankyou so much in advance.
My Mother has been left a house, by her Uncle.The Uncle has been admitted to a seniors home due to extreme old age and fastly declining health.
The house it seems was never officially made his. His Mother who died 50 years ago is still listed as the owner.
Can anyone shed any light on what happens in this event.

So if your Great-Uncle Tom is still living, your mother has not (as yet) actually inherited anything.

First of all you need to know if Tom's mother had a valid will and secondly if Grant of Probate was extracted. You can find out both of those things from the Probate office. You'll need Tom's Mother's Date of death and there'll be a small fee for a search.

I strongly suspect from what you have posted that there was no will and Tom's mother died intestate; but you need to get clarity on that question first.

Edit to add: did Tom have other siblings?
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I would recommend you transfer the Folio number of the house from Tom's mother, into Tom's name. I recently transferred a Folio from my deceased Uncle into my own name. I did it myself. PRAI have all the forms.
I would recommend you transfer the Folio number of the house from Tom's mother, into Tom's name. I recently transferred a Folio from my deceased Uncle into my own name. I did it myself. PRAI have all the forms.
OP does not know yet if Tom was entitled to inherit the house from his (Tom's) mother.

You don't just transfer ownership of a property into your name as you please.
Things will be much easier to rearrange while Tom is alive.
Indeed. Tom however is in poor and declining health, hasn't done anything about this in decades & there needs to be a paper trail showing he was entitled to inherit property from his mother.
Ok, was their any probate taken out on Tom's mother? I remember when I transferred the Folio into my own name, I sent the PRAI the original probate.
Surely it goes back to Tom's mother and whether she had a will or not. If not, the Succession Act is the default will. If Tom is the only child, he gets the house. If not, it is split. Tom's mothers estate has to be sorted first before you can sort out Tom's estate. If he is not of sound mind, he won't be able to write a will if he doesn't have one already.