Advice needed re investing €150,000.



I have approx 150K to invest and am wondering where to put it.
I have no mortgage and do not intend buying a property.
I need to keep risks fairly low and am currently thinking of putting it into state savings certs but would be interested to hear of any suggestions/ideas I might not of thought of

Do you need access to the money in the next 5-10yrs, if not have you considered passive investing in low cost index funds?

What yours goals? You stated not buying a property, what about early retirement or a mini-retirement (take 1-2 yrs out).

But in general, if your risk adverse you need to spread your money arround a few account.

Food for though!
I wouldnt like to tie the money up for more than 5yrs and would like access in case of an emergency. This money is really a retirement fund (25yrs to go!) but will envitably be used to some extent between now and the re college fees for kids etc etc.

I cant afford to lose this money - so largely risk adverse.

I have a defined benfit pesion - is it worth investing something in that?
Hi Aquaracer,

In my opinion there is a difference between depositing and investing funds, where you place you monies should reflect your security and access requirements and also what return you wish and what level of risk you are prepared to accept to achieve this growth.

Security and Access can be guaranteed, growth within an investment unless it is a deposit account cannot. Another area to look at is tax efficiency, If I was you I would sit down with an independent adviser to go through your options, don't deal with someone in your own bank !!!!