Advice needed re. Insurance for Spanish Golf trip


Registered User
Does any AAM Golfer have any advice on insurance cover for a Golf trips. our annual policy has expired but my husband is off to Spain in a few weeks playing golf, he is taking his own clubs and playing in charity match. Flights with Ryanair so needs to sort out insurance. He is also likely to travel for a further golf trip within the year. Will an annual family policy be adequate cover? More worried about the injury side of it than the loss of clubs side. checked a few policy docs and the wording seems to cover golf but excludes personal accident & personal liability. Would be grateful for any advice.

Many thanks
Clubs might be covered under your house insurance policy.

The standard travel insurance policies cover personal liability.

He might be better taking out an annual personal accident policy, but to be honest, you get what you pay for. Most pay out a weekly sum if totally/partially disabled from work. The more you pay, the higher the benefit.
Just ask your existing travel insurance broker what your existing policy covers. Also if he is a member of a club he might have Golfsure, this will give you some cover but you would need to clarify this yourself.
Thanks, our annual cover has already run out so I am trying to work out what the best renewal options are. It was when looking over policy details that I noticed that while golf was covered it appeared to exclude personal liability & accccident. Not so much worried about him getting hurt, more him injuring someone else (I have a great imagination and am imagining a ball striking a tree and bouncing back on someone else!!), come to think of it he has some sort of insurance through the club, must check if that extends to other courses. I had assumed that the cover could be added on to a general policy like ski cover.
Do you think men actually golf on these trips! Joking ;)
I don't think you'll find a travel policy that will extend to covering your husbands liability, unless he's gone through a specialist golf outfit. He could find out if the golf club in spain will cover him for the days he is playing over there, might be the easiest way to cover himself.
Do you think men actually buy their own insurance! ;)
Thanks for your advice, I will renew our travel insurance and let him sort out the golf end.
check out the cost to rent clubs over there compaired to the cost of transport. They have an excellent range of top makes for you to choose, and they deliver to the club where you are staying. Tees and golf balls not included. Well worth it
Thanks Redgap. I will pass on that tip about hiring clubs for the next time they go away! I know the cost of club transport raised the flight by a good bit (the bargain flights ended up costing a fortune!).
A friend recently had his clubs stolen in Portugal but luckily had insurance. I'm sure he mentioned his golf club here provided the insurance cover. He is away at the moment so I can't check it out.