Well people of knowledge.
We live in Co.Cork.
Our son lives in Co.Meath. He bought a bungalow around 7 years or so ago with a very decent size garage. He and his wife want us to move up to them permanently as we are now in our elderly years and it is a long haul for visits.
The plan would be a garage conversion. it is separate from his house but is joined by a block arch for access between both. It has one entrance to the house and would remain this way.
I would be hoping to raise the height to give up sleeping accommodation upstairs.
Downstairs would have more than adequate room for a living room, block wall dividing to Kitchen diner, and maybe go back a couple of meters to put a bathroom.
As I said the garage is pretty big as it is. I think 10 X 7 meter.
It is a well built block garage with cladding roof ( roof would be replaced obviously with either double insulated cladding or tiles.)
Anyone think there may be planning issues?
House is actually out in the sticks so to speak.
4 houses next to each other and he has spoken to them all, none would have any objections.
Also, Would this fall into the category for this "up to 70k" grants?