Advice needed re breach of safety order by ex-partner.




I just wanted to know if anyone can give me advice about a a court case which I have coming up, my ex partner breached the safety order that I have against me. He was released on bail and brought forward for hearing. He is up for two charges, i really want to make sure he gets some imprisonment, what is most likely to happen. I think that a fine will not do anythin for him.....
Welcome to AAM Dvvic. Do you not have a solicitor for this and who has advised you of your rights and the likely outcome? Another way to find out what is likely to happen is go into your local courthouse and sit in on some cases similar to yours.
i have spoken with gardai and solicitor, they told me i dont need one. the gardai said that a fine may be the outcome. good idea bout going to local court but different judges do different outcomes, my court is 3 hrs away from where i live now...