Advice needed on pension as I currently don't work and have no income.


New Member
I currently don't work and have no income. I have the following question.

Pension pot of £24,000

I understand I can take out 25% tax free so in this case £6000

If I then take out a further £10000 from the pot would I pay any tax on this amount ?

I have no income currently so am I right in thinking that I will pay no tax as my income (£10000 taken from pension pot) leaves me below the tax bracket ?
If I then take out a further £10000 from the pot would I pay any tax on this amount ?
Unless you can avail of this option:
Are your figures supposed to be in £ or should they be €?
Are you Irish/in Ireland?
This is an Irish site and my answer is predicated on this being an Irish pension question.