I have 600k. It is my whole life saving. I want to well invest it.
I hope to have some dividends every year to use, like 18k would be enough, then the rest of them I would put back to further investment.
I have done a few researches with the following findings:
1. buying 2 or 3 house/apartment and rent them out, and live on the rental incomes.
Downside: I will be charged by rental tax(if i don't work, will i get less charged on the tax?) and i may deal with terrible tenants, and high maintenance cost of the house, etc.
2. I saw there are also some commercial properties for sale, like a store. I found most people buy residential property for investment, but less people talking about commercial property. I only know the downside of commercial property is 2% stamp duty. But I think the tenants of commercial property might be better. and I'm wondering if the tax on renting commercial is the the same as residential? it is worth to buying a commercial property as an investment?
3. Buy bond and stock index. I saw a few news and sayings that there will be a economy crash in 2016. I'm a little bit worried about that - if I buy the index now it is at the higher price? Not sure should I buy it now or wait?
I really appreciate any suggestions and comments.
Thanks very much in advance.