Advice needed about Citywest


Registered User
Hi All,
I am thinking to move to City west. I haven’t found any recent topics about citywest.
Can anyone help with location like how safe it is for a young family? I am considering Belfry or Carrigamore
I am thinking about Belfry hall, there is few apts on Daft. Do you think it’s more secure than Carrigmore as its apartment?
What about houses in Belfry. How do you compare with Carrigmore in terms of overall living?

I know Carrigmore is beside shopping centre but that’s not important for me.
I heard from someone there is always kids hang around near Belfry hall, Is this true?
Which one would you recommend overall Belfry or Carrigmore.
Please advise.

Welcome to AAM.

There are over on although they don't look too recent.

You may find something here also.
I only have knowledge of the Belfry. It's about 3 years ago since I used to walk my dog through there (as a shortcut out to the Citywest industrial estate). It's a nice enough estate, if a little bit squashed together. There were always lots of lovely kids out playing on the green areas - they used to like to pet the dog. It's about a 10 minute walk to the luas stop and the bus is directly outside the estate. I have visited the Carraigmore Estate on a couple of occasions. I would say it's similar to the Belfry but the houses seem slightly bigger and better spaced out and of course it's nearer to the luas stop and the shopping centre. If you are driving to town at rush hours, it can take time to get through the roundabout at the shopping centre, so you would probably be better off in the Belfry.