Advice about owed money from old employer



Hi All,

I'm brand new here just found the forum via google and was hoping to get some advice on a situation

Basically I worked for a guy last summer for 4 months, at the time I was 18. During my time there I never recieved a payslip of any sort all I was told is that the taxes had been removed from the check... being nieve in my first job i believed him.

After 2 and a half months he decided he was going to close the company in 6 weeks and pursue another venture, I was also told that I would be paid for the full 6 weeks at the end of my employment. At the end of employment he didn't turn up and I got a call saying expect the cheque in the post a long with a P45 and a payslip. Numerous phone calls and emails and 4 months later I have still recieved nothing and he is trying to claim he didn't employ me at all and he owes me nothing.

I have applied for a small claims court thing online but it comes to £60 , money i really don't have so I have had to delay it.

Now here is the catch. I have all his online bank, paypal details etc. He spends thousands of pounds a day on online poker and it is starting to annoy me, even if i did win a court case I doubt I would ever recieve the money.

I have a lot of things against this man, he is a generally bad person, stealing, tax evasion etc. But even though I have reported him no action has been taken.

I guess what I am trying to ask is would there be a strong legal case against me for taking money owed? If I could provide evidence I worked there, I was unpaid, tax was stolen on my employment and the guy ran a fraudelant charity (i am not joking by the way).

I mean companies take money from your account if you owe them... is it not the same type of thing as he agreed to pay for my services?

Please advise me as I have never been in this situation!


Re: Unpaid ...

Please edit the title of your post to increase the chances of getting an answer

you cannot steal from his account and that is what you would be doing.

You are entitled to a payslip and if I were you, I would write to revenue commissioners advising that you were employed from XX to YY; that you earned €XX nett into your hand; that you were never supplied with payslip or P60 and you would appreciate confirmation that all taxes were paid on your behalf as well as PRSI. You should also give whatever information you hold on his tax evasion to Revenue.

At the same time, I would report the fact of the bogus charity to the Gardai and if he was collecting or linking any other charity to his collections, I would also advise them.

I would also contact Citizens Adivice Bureau for forther advice as to how you could preoceed.
Forget about using his account details to "get what you are owed".

Do you have anything in writing from him confirming your arrangement? Can he just claim you were doing voluntary work for his "charity"?

I have applied for a small claims court thing online but it comes to £60

It sounds like you are based in the UK? This is primarily an Irish site and many of the answers assume you are in the Republic of Ireland.
Don't take money from his account, you might feel morally that this was acceptable but the law wouldn't agree and it would get traced to you if it was for your benefit.

Pursuing this through normal channels will often not be worth the time/stress but I would not walk away without some satisfaction.

Have you ever received an email(obvious scam) from someone E.g. a corrup politician from Nigeria, claiming to have a large sum of money that they need to transfer out of the country but need a bank account to do so. They will give you % of the money for providing one. Anyone who has fallen for this finds their bank account cleared out.

Or set up monthly direct debits from his account for a host of charities