We've had our house for sale since March 2007. Firstly we had it with joint agents who we were not happy with and changed to a different auctioneer end of June. Advertising for joint agent cost E800, we changed and relaunched in July and August, E2000 for advertising. For advertising in Autumn E1500. Total E4300. I'm wondering is it worth our while to advertise in the papers in the autumn, should we wait until early 2008 and save our budget of E1500 until then? We have reduced our price accordingly but so far no offers. Is it a waste to advertise at the moment?
We've had our house for sale since March 2007. Firstly we had it with joint agents who we were not happy with and changed to a different auctioneer end of June. Advertising for joint agent cost E800, we changed and relaunched in July and August, E2000 for advertising. For advertising in Autumn E1500. Total E4300. I'm wondering is it worth our while to advertise in the papers in the autumn, should we wait until early 2008 and save our budget of E1500 until then? We have reduced our price accordingly but so far no offers. Is it a waste to advertise at the moment?