Advance driving test


Registered User
I am taking the advanced driving test next week and I'm wondering if anybody has any comments on how it is conducted. I have been told by my instructor that it is quite different to the standard driving test as there is a certain presumption by the tester that you have enough basic knowledge of driving and the rules of the road etc. I believe the benefits of passing is upto 25% discount on your insurance policy. My test begins at The City West Hotel, Saggart, Co. Dublin. can anybody give me any advice where the route takes me from here or does it vary? Thanks
From Citywest you drive up to Tallaght and around and then down to Blessington as far as I know. It could well vary though.

The "test" itself is handy enough if you are a capable driver with good experience. They are looking out for not just your driving skills but your anticipation, awarness and so on.

You are tested on two drives, 1st drive is an assesment on how you drive, then following that the instructor drives and shows where you should improve and then you drive again. You are marked on any improvments you have made aswell. They like to see that you have learned something from it.

In between all that there are class room style talks on driving techniques and safety on the road.

Food was provided the day I went.
I believe that they ask you to give a driving commentry. I've only done the first part of the advanced driving course and found it very beneficial so far. Study the advanced driving manual a lot before the test.

I think it's a 20% discount and only with hibernian, or so they people at the IAM told me.