Ads that really getting on my wick.....


Registered User
1) the "I'm GOING to POO at PAUL'S" chap; and
2) the "fart" ring tone ad with the folks in the elevator - it's been on nearly every ad break this evening.

Oh. My. God.

Make them stop.
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

Ditto for various ads for eye lash brushes/eye lash stuff that give "100 times thicker eyelashes". They then have in tiny print at the bottom "Eva has been styled with eye lash inserts and has been enhanced post production".
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...


*We have used plastic eyelashes and CGI to enhance the look of lashes, but YOU TOO can look like Eva if you spend 50 quid on mascara - really.
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

The speeding car "pinning" the courting couple to the wall and the AA ads where the daughter is telling them to go to the AA and is being ignored.
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

The one thing that REALLY annoys me at the minute is the little piece of 'music' (really like a string instrument being strummed) at the end of anything to do with Avonmore.

Anyone know what I'm on about?
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

rmcf, that Avonmore ad music is terrible - my son leaves the room shouting when he hears it! I too hate all those other ads which other posters mentioned. Also the one for sausages, where the dull guy and girl suddenly become colourful and fun when they eat sausages for dinner !
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

- The lotto new born millionaire add - with yer man in the hospital bed surrounded by nurses - jeez I just think it's vile!

- yer one on some add for cosmetics (aged about 35)... saying that she is 50 & wouldn't get a facelift

Jays, we had read adds in the 70's lad I tell yas. remember the add for...... cigarettes & dosing the farm animals to get rid of hoose, warbles & sarcoptic mange mites!
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

remember the ad they used to show during glenroe where the dogs turned vicious and attacked the sheep, it was a cartoon, used to give my sister nightmares
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

My pet hate at the moment is the ad for the hair dye for men - where the man's two daughters give him a present of hair dye and say in their american accents "'s time. Maybe you could meet someone nice" or words to that effect.
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

Radio ad on at the moment for some fairy washing up liquid competition - mother singing in really annoying voice to her kid! - This post will be deleted if not edited immediately it just drives me nuts every time I hear it!
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...


Jays, we had read adds in the 70's lad I tell yas. remember the add for...... cigarettes & dosing the farm animals to get rid of hoose, warbles & sarcoptic mange mites!

I remember it well-and it was always on during a mealtime!
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

Mmmmm... sarcopic mange mites...
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

In that vein, remember "Dithane...dithane...dithane..... Spray with it. Stay with it?"

I think it was for spraying spuds.
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

Is anyone else totally annoyed by the way the AA Roadwatch girls speak when they're doing traffic reports? You know, telling us about traffic heading "ite" of "tine" or about traffic heading "site" towards a "rindabite" etc.

And their fellow travellers on radio ads who tell us that something is "pridely" supported by some company!

Does my head in!
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

we are very easily annoyed!
What about yet one kirstine that reads the news on newstalk with her sex line voice
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

What time is she on at?
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

usually during lunchtime and moncrieff
Re: Two ads that are really getting on my wick...

Radio ad on at the moment for some fairy washing up liquid competition - mother singing in really annoying voice to her kid! - This post will be deleted if not edited immediately it just drives me nuts every time I hear it!

Is it the one for Fairy Powder or something....lots of different people saying stuff like...little cutie button nose and stuff like that....AGGHHHHHHHH.....if it is it is the worst thing ever (even worse than gotageta Garmin woman)
I think there are a couple of different Fairy ads all smug mummies singing in a childlike voice.........