Adidas Predator Boots



Bought a pair of Predator boots at the end of March. Over the weekend they both burst. One burst the toe and the other at the side. These cost me 95 euro and i have looked after them really well - with polish and leather protector. Id say i only ever wore them once in the rain

The shop i bought them in recently closed down. What can i do.

4 months is terrible for a pair of boots...I usually get at least a year from them
>The shop i bought them in recently closed down. What can i do.

Was it part of a chain? If so you might get somewhere with their head office.
Failing that you might get somewhere by contacting Adidas.

call into any decent sports shop that do adidas shoes, get the name of the local adidas rep from the manager after explaining situation and call them. They'll sort you out. They may take the boots away for a few days before calling you but you should be ok.