Address issue: former owners mail still being delivered


Registered User
Hi guys,

any advice would be great! Moved into a house last April unfortunately still getting post for the last owner, must be two or three letters a week its a joke!!!

Ranges from junk mail to invoices for his business to vat returns from the revenue!!!

Now that doesn't overly worry me but we have had the guards knock at our door looking for him... The first time they called we told them we live in the house now and that we bought the house of that chap. that was fine.

The guards have knocked again and we told them the same and told them its not my problem to which they said it is as the address on the warrant is in this chaps name and they will keep knocking on that address.

So they asked did i have his mobile ... the quick answer is yes but why should i get involved ... i don't even know what the warrant is for and i don't want to bring trouble on myself ....

What should i do?
Re: Address issue

I suggest you dont hinder the Guards in the execution of their duty. If you have the man's mobile or any other details regarding his whereabouts then you should furnish this information to the Gardai even at this late stage.
Re: Address issue

johnnybegood said:
So they asked did i have his mobile ... the quick answer is yes but why should i get involved ...

The quick answer is "Obstruction of Justice".
Basically you are committing a criminal act by not disclosing this information.
When they eventually do catch up with this guy and he says he gave you his mobile no. so that he could be contacted then you could be in hot water.

Probably not going to happen of course but why should you put yourself in this position for this guy anyway?
Re: Address issue

with regards to his post just ask your postman can he get the persons mail stopped from coming to your address as they don't live their anymore thats what i did the other day because the amount of post i was getting for the previous owner and i had no way of contacting him like that there was vat returns from the revenue as well
Re: Address issue

Have tried that with the postman already... he said all i can do is send it back to the main sorting office with a label stating he no longer lives there...

And in regards to "obstruction of justice" This post will be deleted if not edited immediately christ some people on this site do go over board... what if i lost my phone and no longer had his number...

remember i got his number last April there could be many reasons why i don't have it anymore ... the fact is i do have it but why should i go out of my way and help the guards do there job...

I gave them the name of the estate agent that dealt with the house sale and i am sure the guards have enough power to be able to track this chap down...

Why should i risk the safety of my family and i know its only a slight chance but i don't know this guy or what the warrant is for so therefore MY FAMILY'S SAFETY IS NUMBER 1 so enough of that crap re obstruction of justice .....
Re: Address issue

I had a similar problem one time. We had a visit from the law looking for a named individual we also received a letter from the District Court Clerk for another individual. Very strange as we are owner/ occupiers having owned the house from new. To ensure there was no confusion I wrote to the Clerk and stated this. That was 4 years ago, we haven't had any letters/ visits since.
Re: Address issue

thats strange my postman was delivering a registered letter to our house the other day for the previous owner and i just told him they no longer live here and is there anyway to stop his post coming to the house and he said he would stop it with no problems
Re: Address issue

Thats an post for you ... post man said to me on numerous occassions that i should send it back with the label stating no longer lives here but that he has to deliver it as its addressed to my house!! ITS A CRAZY WORLD...

I am still none the wiser what i should do? Sending the post back to the post office is just time consuming and won't solve the problem .... its the volume of post that is upsetting its a joke...

and now the thing with the guards... i know this sounds stupid but i feel like my addressed has squatters right .... JUST FEELS LIKE THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO IF SOMEBODY DECIDES TO USE YOUR ADDRESS !!!
Re: Address issue

johnnybegood said:
Thats an post for you ... post man said to me on numerous occassions that i should send it back with the label stating no longer lives here but that he has to deliver it as its addressed to my house!! ITS A CRAZY WORLD...

I am still none the wiser what i should do? Sending the post back to the post office is just time consuming and won't solve the problem .... its the volume of post that is upsetting its a joke...

and now the thing with the guards... i know this sounds stupid but i feel like my addressed has squatters right .... JUST FEELS LIKE THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO IF SOMEBODY DECIDES TO USE YOUR ADDRESS !!!
Basically if stopped by a Garda a person can give any address they like, as long as the Garda is happy the address is bona fide what can they do? In the case of known criminals they may have records or an idea whether an address is accurate or not but otherwise no.
Re: Address issue

Hi JbG,

Have you tried ringing an post and asking them what to do?

I had a look at their website but could not find anything of use on it.

Re: Address issue

Similar situation for me in the past...Post arriving at a rate of about approx 3 per day for months! For the first three months I went to the trouble of gathering the post and sending on to the real estate agent with multiple requests of the previous occupant to change the address or arrange a redirection.........After three months I gave up and started throwing the post in the bin.....Then one day the old occupant arrived on my doorstep looking for a particular letter that they needed. Asked them why they hadn't changed their address and they basically said they hadn't I told them they were welcome to look in the wheelie bin outside.......
Re: Address issue

Have done that before nothing they can do ... i was sent from one person to the next .... i was told i can just tell the postman i am not accepting the post but hte thing is you have to be there in person which when i am in work is not possible.

Maybe its just my postman (might be a case of he can't be bothered to go and change it himself)

I also have a rough idea where the guy now lives and i say its only a 5 min drive from me in a housing estate close by and its probably the same postman that delivers to that estate!! Thinki will try contacting An Psot again.

Thanks for your comments.
Re: Address issue

All you have to do with this persons post is to write " moved, gone away , return to sender" on the envelope and cross out your address, then put it back in the post box. Keep doing this until the mail stops coming. It might be a pain but this is the easiest way to deal with it. This means that he wont get his post and wont be relying on you to keep his letters. So no point in giving your address anymore. :p
Re: Address issue

"why should i go out of my way and help the guards do there job..."

I have to say that is the most unbelieveable statement I have ever seen....

Why should you? Because you are a citizen of this country, because your taxes are paying for the police force (but you don't mind that money being wasted?), because you are part of the community in which you live, you don't get to treat yourself like an isolated island, you protect your family by supporting the community, by supporting your police force, by particpating in your country's governance.
Re: Address issue

I agree with the suggestion that one should not be basically helping the gaurds do their job. Its their job to investigate not yours.
Re: Address issue

How do you propose they investigate if no one answers any questions?

Its their job to investigate not yours.
They are investigating by asking if the poster had the mobile number, they did not ask him to go & investigate the suspect, find out his number & get back to them!
Listen this guy has not fallen off the face of the earth... he has a new house and no doubt new utility bills.

I don't know what the warrant is for and frankly i don't care.... for all i know this guy could be violent and when the guards call him he might start thinking where they got the number from... SO PLEASE STOP GOING ON ABOUT MY REPONSIBILTY TO THE COMMUNITY ETC.

I gave the guards the name of the estate agent that handled the sell .... she would have all the information including his solicitor (which he probably needs again) so in my opinion i have done more than enough.

The questions i asked were as follows:

(1) How do i stop post addressed to him been delivered to my house?

(2) How do i stop the guards knocking on my door twice a week looking for this guy?
johnnybegood - your approach is understandable, but at the same time inconsistent.

You ask about how to stop his post being delivered to you - presumably because you feel this is a nuisance. You are looking here for help and advice on how to address this.

The Gardai are also looking for help and you are refusing to give it. I understand that your family comes first, but *if* this guy is someone to be afraid of then by not giving his details to the guards you are preventing them from addressing whatever problem some other person or family are having - they will continue to have this problem until YOU provide the information to the Gardai.

Getting post might be seen as a problem to you, but don't expect people to sympathise and offer advice if you refuse to help the Gardai in what might well be a criminal investigation.

In answer to 1) - contact the sender of each and every letter and advise them that the address is no longer valid for that person.

Do you really need to ask 2 ? You already know the answer to that - give them the contact details, tell them where you think he lives, etc . . .

You may have problems with his post, someone else may have problems with all sorts of criminal issues with him and you won't help the Gardai.
