Added to Electoral Register - How?


Registered User
Five years ago I was removed from the electoral register at the address I'd lived in all my life, as I moved for a job. I never got around to putting myself back on the register, and even though I returned to the original address for a period of two years it wasn't done without my knowledge either (not complaining about that - read on).

I moved house again last year.

All of my bank accounts, mobile phone, Tax office etc correspondence still go to the old address (my parents house). I have good reason for this as I don't know how long I'll stay at my current address and it is a lot of hassle to change everything.

Last week I received a polling card for the referendum at my new address.
What I want to know is where exactly did someone get my details to register me at the new address? The only post that I have addressed to the new address is telephone (exdirectory)/gas/esb and the odd online shopping order.
Could somebody else (e.g. at the old address, at your new address or in a neighbouring house) have provided your details to somebody who called compiling/updating the register? Could the details have come from the census (doubt it but not sure...)?
Only my family would know my new address.
It's possible that a well meaning neighbour provided the information.
I don't think there was a census since I moved (actually I remember doing it at the old address last time it came round).
You missed the bit where I said I returned to the original address for 2 years. There was a census while I was there.
Maybe the local authority had your details from other source and used them to update the register (if they did then presumably they did so within the relevant data protection rules)? - Registering to vote

The Register of Electors

Every local authority in Ireland is responsible for compiling and publishing a list of voters in its area. This is called the Register of Electors or the Electoral Register. Anyone can inspect this Register and it is available in all [broken link removed] offices, post offices, Garda stations and [broken link removed]. You can check the Electoral Register online here.
That description is a bit vague "Every local authority in Ireland is responsible for compiling and publishing a list of voters in its area."
It doesnt say what methods they use to do this.
and if they are so efficient why wasn't it also done when I moved back to my first address for a much longer period?

I find it a bit sinister to be honest. Someone could have good reason not to be on the public listings (e.g. having left an abusive relationship).
Why not ask the LA where they got your details so?

I think I will.


I think it's quite obvious what I'm saying. Not everyone wants their full name and postal address available to the public and there can be very good reasons for this, including the fact that they want to evade an ex partner who was abusive. This doesn't apply to me, it's just an example.
I think it's quite obvious what I'm saying. Not everyone wants their full name and postal address available to the public and there can be very good reasons for this, including the fact that they want to evade an ex partner who was abusive. This doesn't apply to me, it's just an example.

Yes but wait until election day comes around and they complain bitterly that they are being denied their constitutional right to vote.

A close relative of my own (now deceased) used to be responsible for updating the local electoral register as part of his role as a local authority official. He was incredibly conscientious in his job and still had to deal with a crazy volume of complaints from the public on this issue over the years. The phrase "damned if you do, damned if you don't" springs to mind".
I was removed when I moved house and didn't make it my business to be added back on. That's my own problem and I can fully accept it. I never complained to anyone, although I did find it a bit heavy-handed to remove me at the drop of a hat when I'd lived there all my life - I only moved a few miles for work, in the country that would be normal and your 'home' is still where you're from.

I just spoke to the LA and all the lady could say was the Local Seat Officer would have done this, and when asked where they get the information that they "get it from any place that they can".
She also told me when I was added, I hadn't been living there a wet weekend, I find it all a bit odd to be honest, I barely even knew the neighbours at that stage.

Editing again to add that I spoke to the LSO who was very helpful.
He didn't really know where the information came from, but he guessed it was from a form required by the county council during the sale of the house by previous owners. So much for privacy.
If I had bins etc. with the council it could also have come from there (not the case).
Bottom line was he didn't know in this case, but knew that they didn't get their information on a whim.
I have a similar problem with the previous residents, who moved to Wexford, still being registered at my address. They last lived here nine years ago.

When the man employed by the local authority called around two years ago I specifically asked if they were still on the list, to be told that they were not. I have used the website to check in the past and they weren't listed. It's a mystery to me why they've been added again. I'll contact the LA in the morning and see what response I get.
I was told that if you have a tv licence they will include you on the roll - not sure how true this is?
I think it's quite obvious what I'm saying. Not everyone wants their full name and postal address available to the public and there can be very good reasons for this, including the fact that they want to evade an ex partner who was abusive. This doesn't apply to me, it's just an example.

I think that is a very good point, is there a way to be on the register (i.e. be able to vote) but not have your address available on-line/in public libraries?
Yes - see CitizensInformation about the full and edited registers (or whatever the technical terms are).