Adamstown,Citywest or Celbridge


Registered User
My Daughter is currently considering buying her first house. The deal is 3 bed Duplex in either Adanstown,Citywest or Celbridge all approx the same sizes and spec. Adamstown costing 350k,Celbridge 380k Citywest 380k.What is the best deal. In my opinion Adamstown looks good as its only 5 minut walk to new train station however other advice would be gratefully accecpted
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

I'd go for Adamstown. Better transport and planning. Will therefore probably have better capital appreciation relative to the other locations in the medium term.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

The train station at Adamstown is only useful if the route suits you. Not everyone works close to Heuston Station.
To be perfectly honest, I'll eat my hat if it's up and running on the scheduled date next month.
The N4 is an absolute nightmare for traffic, as anyone travelling on it will testify.

Personally, I would think Citywest is a better bet, but your daughter's decision is her own choice.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

The train station at Adamstown is only useful if the route suits you. Not everyone works close to Heuston Station.

Just to say that the rail service from Celbridge is on the same line, arriving at Heuston.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

Celbridge by a mile. As previous poster said, it is on the same line so that advantage is cancelled out in the case of Adamstown. Adamstown is well planned, but that is another way of saying that the site has been crammed full of as many properties as it will hold. In any case, apart from its planning merits, Adamstown is in the wrong place if you follow the location, location, location rule -- Celbridge is well located with very little social problems in or around it.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

I completly disagree with you auto.First and foremost have you seen the long term plans for Adamstown Rail station,Schools Shops,ect.It has all the long term plans to really make this place work.Regarding Celbridge its an ok place but i believe regarding a long term investment there is no way you would compare the two. Having been involved in the property business for quite a number of years in Dublin i strongly believe Adamstown if you have a 7 to 10 year view you cant go wrong. Celbridge or Citywest is a gamble and i dont want my daughter to take chances.Celbridge I believe is not as good a location as Adamstown afterall its Co Kildare not Dublin and if you were living in the wrong side of Celbridge how long would it take you to get to the Train station
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

Not to sound smart assed but will these future plans come to light?
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

Celbridge or Citywest is a gamble and i dont want my daughter to take chances.

And Adamstown isn't?
Of course, your daughter must decide for herself, but I'll say it again... have you actually been on the N4 between the hours of 7am-10am and 4pm-8pm?
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

It's all a matter of personal choice but I would definitely choose Celbridge out of the three.
I don't like the sound of Adamstown at all, who really knows what it's going to turn out like? And it's hugely overvalued IMO for what you are getting.
Celbridge is a really nice settled community and both on same train route.

But each to their own.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

Why did you bother asking for opinions if you're so set on Adamstown?

Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

Lopin - I think you are mistaken. This is why:

1) The "plans" for Adamstown are merely that. Plans. There will be capacity and operational issues with that train line which may take years to solve. Same goes for schools, shops etc.... there's always been promises in the Lucan area which have either never materialised or taken 30 years from idea to fruition (e.g. library and swimming pool);

2) The access from Celbridge overall is better than Adamstown. It is easier to get on/off the N4, there is not really any delay getting in or out of the estates, and the bus service is direct and goes straight through the village. If the train is important, the Ardclough or Hazel Hatch side are best (15-25 mins walk to train station). There is also a good park/ride to the train station, and many even cycle when the weather is good.

My own opinion for what it is worth (having grown up in "Old" Lucan, currently working in Citywest, and living in Celbridge for the last couple of years), is that Celbridge is the clearly choice from the three for the following reasons:
- Adamstown will be a building site for the next couple of years, and with any new concept, some of the plans may never materialise.
- Citywest is a good place to work, but to me seems to be an odd place to live, with no real town/village centre. Also, it's new and promises a lot, bit can it deliver?
- Celbridge "is what you see is what you get". Overall, it's much better than Lucan (or Adamstown), as it is not congested, is not overloaded with apartments, and the village is within walking distance of most residential areas.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

As someone else said, why did you ask for advice if your mind is so firmly made up? Forget all the hype around adamstown, and bearing in mind that you originally asked for opinions on what was the best deal, then the safest place for her money is Celbridge. No doubt about that, ask any estate agent who isn't selling adamstown! Celbridge is well settled, has little social housing and associated problems. Adamstown is well designed and will do ok, but I wouldn't live near some of the adjoining sinkholes if you paid me.

If you want her to thank you in ten years time (when we will probably live in an era where houses have to be sold as distinct from just being listed), you will direct her to Celbridge.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

. Adamstown is well designed and will do ok, but I wouldn't live near some of the adjoining sinkholes if you paid me.

I'm curious to know which area/estates adjoining Adamstown you consider to be sinkholes?

We were considering moving to Celbridge or Leixleip for a 4 or 5 bed house. Celbridge has a couple of housing estates which we liked but I think the village isn't great. We decided to extend our house in Lucan instead.

It's hard to say which area will appreciate the most but that may not be the OP's daughters main concern. I'm not aware of any amenities at Citywest. Within the next few years I would say that Adamstown would have superior amenties to both Celbridge and Citywest.

Even though Adamstown is suppose to be self contained with it's own amenities, within walking distance, you have Finnstown country house hotel, griffeen valley park plus park adjacent to Finnstown, Superquinn shopping centre, all weather floodlit running track and hockey pitch, football pitches, library, Lucan village, Liffy Valley park......( I guess you could say I like living in Lucan)

Yes the N4 can be congested at rush hour. So there's no congestion at Citywest or Celbridge? Everywhere in the greater Dublin area has congestion problems. Since the Outer Ring Road has opened the Newcastle/Adamstown road is now congestion free in the mornings (going towards the N7 from Lucan) and not too bad in evenings. There are plans for the N4 junctions at Lucan and Palmerstown to be upgraded and together with the Adamston link road(it's complete, ready to be opened) these should alleviate the congestion problems somewhat.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

Even though Adamstown is suppose to be self contained with it's own amenities, within walking distance, you have Finnstown country house hotel, griffeen valley park plus park adjacent to Finnstown, Superquinn shopping centre, all weather floodlit running track and hockey pitch, football pitches, library, Lucan village, Liffy Valley park......( I guess you could say I like living in Lucan)

Yes the N4 can be congested at rush hour. So there's no congestion at Citywest or Celbridge? Everywhere in the greater Dublin area has congestion problems. Since the Outer Ring Road has opened the Newcastle/Adamstown road is now congestion free in the mornings (going towards the N7 from Lucan) and not too bad in evenings. There are plans for the N4 junctions at Lucan and Palmerstown to be upgraded and together with the Adamston link road(it's complete, ready to be opened) these should alleviate the congestion problems somewhat.

I agree with you DonKing while i live in Kildare myself if i were to move to Dublin Lucan/Adamstown is one area i would seriously consider.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

I agree with you DonKing while i live in Kildare myself if i were to move to Dublin Lucan/Adamstown is one area i would seriously consider.

What happened to your Clondalkin apartment or the other 10 investment properties you were telling us all about a few months ago?

Adamstown is an overpriced potential future nightmare IMO.
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

I'm not aware of any amenities at Citywest
maybe you should do some research before such a statement! Citywest amenities:
luas in 2008
large new shopping centre
citywest hotel and golf course
technical college in business park
buisness park - providing employment, tenants etc.
easy access to blessington rd/naas rd
close to dublin mountains
avoca in rathcoole

need any more info???
Re: Addamstown,Citywest or celbridge

I don't need to do "RESEARCH". I'm from Dublin West and my company was one of the first companies to purchase a property in Citywest Business Park 10 years ago.

I'm not considering which area is a better area for investment purposes but which area would be better to live in.

There is nothing in that list which demonstrates that Citywest would be a nice place to raise a family/live. If you wanted to go for a walk with your children where would you go? Is Citywest hotel within walking(safe walk) distance? I don't believe there is any parkland in the Hotel for walking(but I could be mistaken)

Avoca is just off an interchange on the N7, what's that to do with Citywest? You wouldn't go there more than a couple of times a year anyway unless you want to use the restaurant. It's an 8/10 minute drive from Adamstown anyway.

Are there schools in Citywest or do you have try to get your children into Saggart or God forbid, Jobstown?

LUAS in 2008? The new train station will be open next month in Adamstown and there are longer term plans to bring the LUAS to Liffey Valley/Lucan.

Lucan has a Village, and Adamstown will have a town centre, a modern version of Renelagh.

If you did your reseach you would know that there is no comparison between the Lucan(and forthcoming Adamstown) amenities and what you have in Citywest.