Adams - 50% Sale


Registered User
Just passed my local Adams Kids Clothes store and they seem to have a massive sale on. Everything I could see had 50% off labels.

Good for anyone with presents to stock up on / kids / kids on the way!
Probably, but would that matter for a customer buying stuff from them?

I know if I was gettin a bargain, I wouldnt mind...
As far as I'm aware, the Irish branches of Adams are unaffected (although don't ask me how that works). They usually do good sales, so I doubt the 50% off offer has anything to do with the company going into receivership.
Doesn't bother me, just offering an explanation.

Sorry if I seemed sharp, that wasnt the way I intended it to be.

I was just saying I don't mind what happens as with kids clothes, they seem to wear through them so much I doubt you would have any problems, unless wrong size, etc. If so, bring your kids in with you!
went in today but there seemed to be outdated clothes as well as mostly summer things in awful gawdy colours, each to their own though !!
I was in Adams in Frascati Centre in Blackrock yesterday and the sale was pretty poor, but other branches may have a better sale on. The OP didn't specify which branch.
Athlone. I got some nice newborn stuff, and stuff for my 4-yr old niece and 2-year old nephew.