Activating phone points


Registered User
I can't seem to find any info on this in the archives, so apologies if this has been covered elsewhere...

I've moved into a new home, and there is one active phone point in the hallway that is connected and working. There are, however, two other phone connections in the house that don't have a dial tone when you plug a phone into the phone socket.

Is there anyway I can activate these sockets myself, to avoid shelling out for an engineer to come out?

Just make sure they are wired to the working socket, simple DIY job.
Have a look at the back of the phone phone points that aren't working.
Check the colour of the wires connected,usually only two, They should be the same color. Open the eircom ntu and the ends of those wires are usually shoved into arecess behind. Connect the wires to the point marked L1 and L2 and now you shouls get a dialtone. see here for more detail:
We had this problem too in our house, is simple enough to fix once you know the wires to connect up. If you don't want to do it yourself, ask an electrician when you have one there for something else, will be able to do in a minute or so.