Acting and returning to lower paid substantive post before retirement


Registered User

Just looking at a situation for a colleague. The colleague has been operating at a significantly higher grade for a number of years, approx. 5, Covering for a career break. If the colleage was to retire in a couple of years (2) what would be the salary the pension was based on.

Assume 40 years service for simplicity. Say the acting post was 120K and the substantive post was 80K. I think there is an averaging when you get a promotion in the final 3 years (or less). Does it work the other way, say in the last 3 years, my colleague had one year at 120K and the most recent 2 years and final pension were 80K.

In my colleagues situation would they be better to retire on the higher grade, before they are stepped down. and possibly take a couple of years acturial reduction, assume my colleague is 58 and has a minimum retirement age of 60.

Also if they have to give 3 months notice, and it there was not 3 months notice that they were been stepped down, could the employer enforce the notice period and disadvantage the employee.

Just wondering if anyone can give some advice on the situation.

Also if they were buying added years, they would be probably buying them with reference to the higher pay, and get the benefit at the lower pay.

In my organisations, I can see a few people in this situation.

Also would be interesting looking at "constructive dismissal" where they could be leaving the employee with no option but to leave, protecting their pension.

I would be very interested in the discussion of this and similar cases.
Is this a public/civil service or a private service job/query? I suspect that there may be some key information missing from your post. I find it quite confusing myself.