Acquisition cost of Traveller's home in Donegal burnt out


Registered User
Could someone explain to me how a 5 bed house in Donegal can cost 230K in 2012?

(So the thread is not deleted I don't want to discuss about who is entitled to social housing, or why the house was burnt, or perceptions of behaviour in certain sections of society)

I'm just curious given the location,and property market how a house could cost this much?
There's all sorts of funny business going on when it comes to local councils purchasing houses.

This one happened in Wicklow in 2009 well into the recession and raised a few eyebrows, but as usual it didn't go any further than that.

It would be interesting who the vendor of the house in Donegal was?
Doh! :eek: Others in the area are priced at €300K - albeit they look like bigger houses but it does seem this area is more expensive than most. Quite why I've no idea.
Doh! :eek: Others in the area are priced at €300K - albeit they look like bigger houses but it does seem this area is more expensive than most. Quite why I've no idea.

Well if it's more expensive there why didn't they pick a cheaper estate. On Allsops you can now see houses in nearby Co. Sligo at 30K reserve for fine 4 bed houses.
Well if it's more expensive there why didn't they pick a cheaper estate. On Allsops you can now see houses in nearby Co. Sligo at 30K reserve for fine 4 bed houses.

That's not what you asked though Bronte, you asked how can it cost so much in this area and I showed you that it appears to be the going rate in that area. I absolutely agree that it seems very expensive compared to other areas and that it seems strange for the council to purchase a house for social housing in this area when there are other much cheaper areas nearby.
Too true...

Well it's very disheartening to see county councils once again wasting taxpayers money (no issue do I have with them purchasing a house for this family).

Is there any way taxpayers can make them more accountable. And while we have this evidence of waste we see another county council going after hard pressed taxpayers for development levies that they through either incompetence or whatever not collecting when they should have.
I can imagine the Traveller groups giving out that the government is perpetuating the problems with Traveller inequality by "forcing" them to live in 30 grand houses..:rolleyes:
Well if it's more expensive there why didn't they pick a cheaper estate.

Probably because creating ghettos is not a great public policy.

There's all sorts of funny business going on when it comes to local councils purchasing houses.

This one happened in Wicklow in 2009 well into the recession and raised a few eyebrows, but as usual it didn't go any further than that.

What is your specific concern about the Wicklow case?