Acorn life experiences

Apologies to Acorn. The policy is a bond and is now worth just over 9 grand, I was quoting a year old statement. Still not a good performance.
It's always possible that performance is OK but the charges are hefty. It's really difficult to comment meaningfully if people don't post accurate or complete info.
Just came across this thread while doing a search.

I think I'll echo most of the comments above - but perhaps a little stronger. I would not only advise people not to go with Acorn Life.... I would actually give people a warning to stay away well from them. I've been quite happy to share my experiences with family, collegues, friends all along. I have had a running dispute with them now for a number of years & have got zero satisfaction from them.

The blew about 25% of my contributions over the last 10yrs. Part poor performance was blamed upon the post 9/11 downturn.... however in the following boom period, the fund continued to perform badly...... so.....

- the fund value was below what was invested during boom times.... but they 'did not track the market' - that's their quote by the way.
- but now that the markets are down then more money was wiped off...

so in good times it lost money, in bad times it lost more money.... make sense!

Avoid them like the plague........

Had my SSIA with them and got 25K. Much cheaper for life assurance too, 45eur per month less than ArkLife. Haven't got pension details though.