Accountant's fees : include on Tax return?


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Can accountant's fees, for preparing a tax return ( Form 11 ) be included as a cost in the tax return? I have rental income so maybe it could be included there as an expense?
Is it an expense on my rental income? If I did not have rental income, could it still be input on my tax return? What category would it fall under?
if you do a tax return it is because you have other income than PAYE these incomes constitue a trade and accountant fee are part of the expense
yes it is a expense but it wil be in next year tax return

Surely the expense is accrued as it relates to the actual return being filed. On another note I know that accounting fees for CGT are not always allowable. Have experience of this before with the tax office whereby they have disallowed it as it is not a necessary expense!
Accountants fees for preparaing a tax return, form 11, are not deductible, accountants fees for preparing a statement of income are tax deductible.
Accountants fees for preparaing a tax return, form 11, are not deductible, accountants fees for preparing a statement of income are tax deductible.

An accountant's invoice for preparing accounts will usually cover the cost of preparing the tax return. It's all part of the service.