Accountant's charge for letter


Registered User

I hope someone can help me. Recently the bank requested me to obtain a letter from my accountant to say my tax affairs are in order. I spoke to my accountant and he is charging me €180 to issue the letter on my behalf.

are they entitled to do this?
Will your bank accept a tax clearance certificate? - you can get these free from the revenue.
If you pay him the full fee for working on your accounts, it appears a bit rich. Ask them are they making a mistake ?
I have asked my accountant for the same on a couple of occasions over the years, and was not charged for the service. The letters were brief and seemed to be a stock-reply stored on file, so maybe 5 minutes work max?

I pay my accountant well for his services, and I would regard the letter as a courtesy. I would certainly not pay €180 for it.

As for the bank - unless your circumstances are exceptional - the letter is a formality, crossing the t's and dotting the i's.

Perhaps ask your accountant for more details as to why it costs so much?

Thanks for your responses. I have been thinking of leaving the accountant as their fees seem very high and there appears to be charges attached to absolutely everything.

I suspect they are aware of my intentions and are trying to glean the last penny for departure. I will contact the tax office.

many thanks for your responses