Accountant in Oz



Hi all,
searched around and doesnt look like this question has been asked before. Am a qualified accountant but am too old for the work travel visa.:eek: Has anyone any experience with goping through recruitment agents?

My understanding is that sponsorship visas can be got, but that depends on the employer/agency.

Any advice greatly appreciated!

If you are willing to go over on a 3 mth tourist visa and then apply to companies directly in Oz, you could bypass the agencies like Free Spirit who organise your visa and then take a cut of your monthly salary.
I would imagine being an accountant that you'd have few problems getting a job offer there, and hopefully sponsorship by a company (rather than an agency)

I've had both and was with Free Spirit (not an accountant though!) and if the co. will do it direct, it's handier... if they like you, they might also organise your permanent visa which then gives you more freedom to move around, (unless they stipulate you have to stay with them for a certain time)

If you wanted to contract and do temp. contracts, then maybe Free Spirit could work? Although when I used them, I had to have an offer of permanent employment from a co. before they would process my temp 457 visa..

hope that helps - I thought they were crying out for number crunchers down there so shouldn't be too hard!

