Accountancy 'joke'?

I've noticed that accountant bashing is becoming more widespread.

Talk show host Eamon Keane was on about some woman he was going out with and the finish of the story was "....... and she ended up marrying an accountant ... go figure" - more or less as if it was a fate worse than death, or how sad was that !!

Then theres the ad about the D4 jock with the free place on the ferry asking all the women if they want to go on the ferry with him - someone says its tacky to ask every woman in the place but he retorts that he hasnt asked the women in accounts ....yet (i.e. things would be fair bad before he'd do that).

Countless ads mention Jenny/Johnny or whoever "from accounts" - why does accounts always get mentioned, what about marketing or any other dept you want.

Sure lucky the profession pays well, otherwise no-one would go at it !!!
ye all now what missionary position is, Have you heard about the new one? The plumber position, you stay in all day and no-one comes! boom boom!