Outrageous fees.
Ask your accountant for a full breakdown of hours spent on job and by whom i.e trainee/qualified/partner. Go through trial balance and final accounts with bookkeeper for list of adjustments. Ask to meet partner and bring your bookkeeper with you to view list of adjustments and errors.
Contact other accountants in your area for an outline of their hourly rates and compare them to current accountant. In my practice i give an estimate of fees prior to commencement, half way through assignment i check for fees overrun and the reason why. If it is down to client i contact client and give them a chance to correct them themselves, if on the other hand it is down to me than i take the hit.
There is a good few new practices starting up where fees are alot cheaper. In my case in was set up a pratice or go on the dole. I am happy to earn a weeks wage similar to what i was earning as a paye worker so that is what i base my hourly fee on.
Good luck and pm me if you want a quote.