Account Software - What to choose?


Registered User
Hi all,

I'll be officially opening my business in the next 3 months.

I'll be starting with 3 Employees.

I'm looking for a software that will handle the following.

1) Automated VAT returns / Automated anything I need to pay to Revenue really.
2) Track of spending / receipts (is a must to have the above automated)
3) Handle Payroll
4) Handle PRSI payments

I was looking at Sage + Sage Payroll, but wanted to check what others think.

Any info would be great.

Yes I know people will reply with "get an accountant", and that is an option. but I'd like to explore the idea of not getting one as well.

With three employees, you would be advised to use a payroll service - for your accounts there are other options.

It depends on how much you value your time compared to using an accountant to prepare year-end returns, etc

Using the software that your accountant uses is probably a good start
Payroll calculations can be get complicated between pay, tax, PRSI and USC calculations - the regulations, reliefs and tax rules change every year, if not more often, and unless you are an expert it is simpler and easier to let a specialist payroll software company, such as Sage Payroll, handle this activity. It can be be online as a service or inhouse on your PC using a payroll package.

As for using the same software package as your accountant, this simplifies the exchange of information between you and your accountant. This means that they do not have to spend as much time entering/collecting data and presumably will charge less as the work is less
Payroll calculations can be get complicated between pay, tax, PRSI and USC calculations - the regulations, reliefs and tax rules change every year, if not more often, and unless you are an expert it is simpler and easier to let a specialist payroll software company, such as Sage Payroll, handle this activity. It can be be online as a service or inhouse on your PC using a payroll package.

As for using the same software package as your accountant, this simplifies the exchange of information between you and your accountant. This means that they do not have to spend as much time entering/collecting data and presumably will charge less as the work is less
Thanks. But I did say in my post that I was looking into this, I never said I was going to try figure out payroll myself. The post is asking about which software people suggest.
Using the software that your accountant uses is probably a good start

That really is the key.

If you use some package the accountant is not familiar with, they will have to learn the system.

If you use the same package they use, you will be able to call them if you have a problem.

Payroll is not just about inputting a figure and doing a bank transfer.

If you don't know how PAYE works from an employer's point of view, then maybe ask your accountant to do it for you.

Payroll is not just about inputting a figure and doing a bank transfer.
Since PAYE modernisation was introduced in 2019, that's exactly what it is.

If you don't know how PAYE works from an employer's point of view, then maybe ask your accountant to do it for you.
Although I make some money from doing payrolls, I think businesses are far better off looking after that themselves.