Accidents & Claims


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What's the process for accidents & claims. I recently had met with a minor accident with another car & there was no injury to anyone. My car's had a slight dent from one side & the other car had some scrathes on the door. We both took details of each other & left. I had no camera with me so could not take any pictures. This person (xyz) now has sent me a letter through a solicitor saying that xyz met with a serious injury & I will be prosecuted. None of us called Garda at the time of accident as it was a very minor accident. But I did go seperately & personally report to Garda to be on safe side & was advised by Garda that since no one was injured no need to make any statement & state in the insurance that its a civil matter. How can I prove that xyz is telling lies. The only witness was a passenger with xyz, so obviously they will side each other. Any advise on this is appreciated. I am so annoyed that this person is trying to make some bucks by telling lies.
There is a phone number you car ring if you think someone is making a false claim against you. And also go back to where the accident and look to see is there any cctv cameras around and see can you get footage of the date and time it happend. Are you sure you were at fault ?? If NOT play them at there own game make a claim aganist them you have up to two years to make a claim with piab ( Injuries board) but i would do it through a soilctor.
Thanks rescue16. Never thought about the cctv camera, I will take a look at the roads tomorrow itself to see if there are any cameras. How do I figure out whom to contact to find the content of footage(if any). Xyz first called me & wanted to sort it out outside insurance, I was ok with that too as I knew it cannot be a big amount and had asked xyz to provide me the quote. But later on xyz backed out & said lets go via insurance. I was ok with that too, as I honestly did not see this to go down such a bad route. I wish there was some process where I can force this person to take a lie detector test. This letter has come as a shock & as a bolt out of the blue. I need to find a solicitor, probably will start scanning yellow pages to find one in local area. Will also inform my insurance folks on Monday. Wonder if they can determine anything by checking my car, if my car had very less damage, obviously the other car could not have had bigger damage. Should I call xyz to find out why xyz filed a suit against me? OR is that a bad idea? This person was very nice to talk to, so I really would like to why this sudden change in nature and why this dishonesty.
What actually happend ? I would not contact the person directly leave that to the solictor. Regarding cctv you most cameras will have a company name printed on the side of them but you said you reported it to the gaurds did they make a note of it they have too once you went into them. Also look at shops around the area of the crash shops have cctv out side there doors and the local council might have some around. But if you thin they are chancing there arm the look for the number for bogus claims. They are proberly going to say they have whiplash injuries which are very hard to prove if they do or dont have it. Good look again !