Accident - Settling Privately


Registered User
I was involved in an accident before Christmas. I was rear-ended and so the other party was responsible and accepted liability on the night. He asked that he settle privately which I had no objection to as long as the car got fixed. I notified the accident to the guards and my insurance company just for notification purposes. I organised an estimate (€5k) and told him the amount involved. He has contacted me since and made a payment but this was only part of the estimate amount (€3k). He agreed to get the balance to me when the repair work was completed. My problem is there is a risk he won't forward the balance after I arrange the repair work. Where do I stand in that case and what are my options? Has anyone been in a similar situation and have any advice?
Everyone is different in this matter - you may be dealing with someone who is genuine here. Given that you have advised your insurer, I think that they will automatically advise his insurer - which is probably not what he wanted.

You can let him know that you needed to cover yourself & that you have advised the guards. At least he then knows that if he leaves you short that you are on record for reporting this.
Do you have his insurance details just in case things do go pear shaped? Do you have his address?

It is a fair chunk of cash and maybe he just needs the time to get it together.
Have all those details alright and a phone number. I appreciate that it is a lot of money alright and although there was a delay in paying, I think he is fairly genuine. I'm trying to be as reasonable as I can because I'd like to think that if I was in the same boat, I would be treated reasonably too. At the end of the day, I just don't want to be out of pocket myself.