accessing foundations??


Registered User
im having a problem with a mouse getting into my house, well not actually *into* the house but it's in the walls and floors, so its obviously getting in and out somehow (to get food etc). however i recently popped covers on the two external vents (that still allows air to come in and out, just not my little furry friend!) but i can still hear the bloody thing. i was thinking it must be getting in and out through the foundations? is this possible? and if so is there anyway of ivestigating this? sounds like it might be epensive but tbh i don't think i can live with hearing a noisy mouse for the rest of my days *rolleyes*

I can understand where you are coming from as I can't stand mice or rats. We found some mice coming into the house at a small pipe for the central heating and we closed up the surrounding hole with this stuff.

A read thru these previous AAM threads on mice etc. might give some advice.
A mouse can fit through a gap approx the size of the end a bic pen - the chances of you finding and sealing all of these holes are non-existent - he could be getting in anywhere - attic from neighbours for example.

Best bet is to drop some poison into the cavity where you hear him (can be accessed from pipe holes in floors or walls or else go to hotpress and put some into floor space there, again via holes for pipes - he will be attracted by the heat - or else leave a baited trap in the hotpress.
Definately don't use poison!!!! Whatever you do!

The poison will kill him, and while this might be the desired result, will leave a fantastically horrible smell in your house for months!

Best bet is to get a couple of mouse traps an put some in the attic. I bet that is where he is hidin out!. Haven't tried those electronic pest repellants but have heard some good things about them.
unfortunately i don't have an attic as such so im pretty sure he's not getting in that way! i can hear it under the floors, but the thought of taking up my lovely solid wood flooring to stick a bit of poison down is bothering me! i had a guy out from a pest control co. who put poinson in the walls through a hole from the electrics but it did damn all tbh! iv checked all the previous threads for ideas but no luck yet!