Access to Mortgage File with Bank


Registered User

Am I entitled to a copy of all documentation on my mortgage account file with the bank? Can I request this under the Freedom of Information Act or I presume I am just entitled to view the file?



You are entitled to a full copy of it under the Data Protection Act on payment of a small fee - €6 , I think.

(The Freedom of Information Act relates to decision making by government)
thanks Brendan, would all banks charge the same fee? I'll request the full copy and see if they charge me a fee.
You are entiltled to the file under Section 4 Data Protection act 1988

The fee is €6.35

There are exceptions, including legal prividelge.

I don't think a bank has to supply standard bank statements under the Data legislation, for only 6.35 euros... this was mentioned before but I'm not sure what the final outcome was.